Tuesday, May 19, 2009

What's Been on the Menu 13

Atlantic (Tasmanian) salmon with coriander and lemon dressing, beans, brocolli and pureed carrot and parsnip. above

Roast Turkey with cranberries, roast potatoes and brussel sprouts above

Invasion of the Galahs

Suddenly the air was filled with pink and grey. All joselling for a few seeds left over from the possums visit the night before. I quickly put out some more seed and in they flew.

I guess there is still a scarcity of seed around for the birds since the fires.

You can see that some of the trees are putting out new green growth which is wonderful to see.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Wishful Thinking Hakea laurinia

This time last year the beautiful Australian Native Hakea Laurinia was out in bloom.
Sometimes called the Sea Urchin flower for obvious reasons.

Above: Showing various stages of the opening flower

Above: Close up of the flowers

Above Branch showing flowers
Beautiful weren't they

Where are we?

Callignee is situated in the foothills of the Strezlecki 's in Gippsland, Victoria.