Tuesday, September 22, 2009


I have noticed that Wisteria doesn't seem as popular around Hampton as it used to be....perhaps it's reputation of having a rampant personality has spread.

However there are still a few of these beauties around the neighbourhood.

This Japanese Wisteria with the longer racemes is growing on an old garage door and making a good impression.

The below is a relatively young Wisteria (only been there 2-3 years) but it too is making a strong impression along the verandah top. Note: This one is the Chinese Wisteria having the smaller racemes.

What's for Dessert

Blue berry pancakes with vanilla ice cream.

Did you notice I've been practising my quenelles

Blooming Now

A green cymbidium Orchid, which despite being severly heat affected and only having three leaves has managed to bloom with another spray coming.

Yellow Clivias possibly my favourite flower.....what am I saying .... how could I forget roses.

Monday, September 14, 2009

What's for Dessert

Chocolate Cake and Coffee at a cute Cafe

Visit to Bright in the Great Dividing Range

We had a visit to Bright just recently. A very pretty little town on the way to Victoria's snow fields
Pretty little town best known for its' magnificent European Trees and in Autumn they colour up but this was Spring and the flowering tree in th Street were lovely.

There are magnificent conifers that come with a warning to watch out for falling cones.
The town square at night.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

What's Been on the Menu 18

Lunch below: Steak and Salad with Polish beer for Ian
Below: Yellow peppers with Fetta, olives, tomatoes & basil

Trout with Vegetables and Lime (Below)

Roast Cantonese Duck with stir fry vegetables (Below)

Where are we?

Callignee is situated in the foothills of the Strezlecki 's in Gippsland, Victoria.