Sunday, November 30, 2008

Cuddley Owls

Last Christmas we had a cold snap in the weather and on Christmas Eve the temperature went down to about 3 degrees despite technically being the middle of summer.

Christmas morning we looked outside and on the nearest branch to our deck were huddled a family of four Tawny Frog Mouth Owls. Mum and Dad on each side and two babies in the middle … looked so cute. A wonderful Christmas surprise.

Unfortunately I only got a photo of the two adults.

They watched the comings and goings of the other bird life that visit our deck with great interest. I am hoping that they remember their pleasant stay near our house and come back to visit this year.

Two Tawny Frogmouthed Owls keeping an eye on a nearby Kookaburra

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Where are we?

Callignee is situated in the foothills of the Strezlecki 's in Gippsland, Victoria.