Funnily, I can't remember what we ate for the first few weeks after the bushfires. It's all a blur.
I remember we cooked a curry and some friends came over to the Melbourne place on the first Friday night. I remember thinking at that time that it was great to do something normal again.
I know we ate out and had take away quite alot...maybe that's why I can't face a shop bought roast chicken at the moment.
Back to Basics:-
Roast chicken legs and roast vegetables, including stuffed aubergine.
Roast chicken legs and roast vegetables, including stuffed aubergine.

Lamb chump chop, peas, mashed potato and pumpkin. I think this would have been the most common meal of my whole childhood. Meat and three veg. Still healthy enough I suppose and the pumpkin, peas and potato would have been home grown by my grandfather.

Spagetti Bol with peas.
Flake strips with stir fried vegetables and sweet and sour dipping sauce.
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