It seems like much longer as so much has happened in that time.

We didn’t realise how much we were missing not being together during the week when Ian was living and working in the country and I was travelling to be with him on the weekend. From my point of view it was as though I was only really living on the weekends and just existing in this dreamlike half life during the week which I willed away to pass as fast as possible so I could be down in Callignee again. I could not get any energy to do more than come in from work.....read on the sofa then go to sleep.

We still hope to either sell or rent out Callignee….we no longer feel the love for the vibrant place that once was. It is slowly turning green again but very slowly. The fire burnt so hot that under the trees is still bare of returning grass, and of course there are still all the blackened tree trunks.

We have our wonderful memories of our place and we hope someone else will someday see the beautiful place it once was.
Rest assured that I will still be blogging of our future adventures at Tree Change and also telling of our new adventures at a cute little beachside cottage that is coming our way.
Hope you enjoyed the above photos of the old TreeChange.
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