Last Fri 19th Sept, I sowed the seed I had collected from a tomato I grew last year that was given to me by a friend known as Rainy's Maltese, the tomato not the friend.

Photo: Rainy's Maltese a delicious large non acid tomato
I have placed a few seeds into half a dozen pots with the hope of getting at least one seed to germinate per pot.
Due to my current crazy living arrangements, I have decided to let these pots live in my car until they's warm and I can keep an eye on them. After germination....well we'll see.
Heard of a fellow who carried seed around in a zip lock bag in his back pocket until it germinated, now that's dedication for you.

Photo: Platter of Rainy's Maltese Tomatoes, Grilled Aubergine and fresh Basil
1 comment:
Oh the platter of of Rainy's Maltese Tomatoes, Grilled Aubergine and fresh Basil looks delicious. Wish I was there to sample!
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